Term Deposits
A Term Deposit is a Banking Product that involves the delivery of funds to a Credit Institution, which is obliged to return those funds at the end of an agreed period of time and to pay a remuneration, known as interest.
Depending on the type of remuneration and their greater or lesser complexity, Term Deposits can be simple or structured.
Banco Keve offers numerous options for Term Deposits, with their own characteristics and easy to join.
Depending on the type of remuneration and their greater or lesser complexity, Term Deposits can be simple or structured.
Banco Keve offers numerous options for Term Deposits, with their own characteristics and easy to join.
Term Deposit
Anniversary Term Deposit
To celebrate our 20th birthday, we are offering you a special Time Deposit that will ensure you have a great opportunity to make significant savings.
9% - 19%
KZ 250 000
Foreign Currency Term Deposit
A time deposit issued to investors who would like to hold foreign currency for future use or to hedge against foreign exchange fluctuations.
EUR 0,01% - 0,05% | USD 0,10% - 0,50%
EUR 1 000 | USD 1 000
Term Deposit
Standard Term Deposit, in national currency, with a flexible component (allows increments and early mobilization) and is aimed at a broad target segment.
3% - 11%
KZ 50 000
Keve Start Term Deposit
Diversify your assets easily with a complete offer.
KZ 1 000 000
Test Label
Corporate Governance