iKeve Corporate

iKeve Corporate is the Bank's Internet Banking service for its Corporate Clients. With a wide range of operations, it allows small, medium and large companies, both public and private, to manage their accounts safely, quickly and reliably. A service that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

To sign up for this service, simply go to a Banco Keve branch and a manager will quickly and easily give you access to this range of services, depending on the profile you have contracted.

Access profile
iKeve has 2 access profiles that the Client can choose from when signing up to the Service: Extended Access or Restricted Access.

Extended Access
Access to all the functionalities of the Service, both in terms of queries and transactions.

Restricted access
Access limited to Consultations, with no operations possible.

Finalidade / Vantagens
Este Serviço é composto por dois Sub-Serviços, em que cada um se adapta à necessidade de cada Cliente quer seja através de uma ligação à internet ou através de uma ligação a um operador de radiofonia móvel, o Cliente poderá, dependendo do tipo de perfil contratado, ter acesso a um leque vasto de opções, entre as quais:
  • Consultar Agenda de Vencimentos;
  • Autorizar / Cancelar Débito;
  • Saldos Contas à Ordem;
  • Consulta NIB/IBAN;
  • Transferências Mesmo Banco;
  • Transferências Interbancárias SPTR/ Consultar / Cancelar;
  • Cheques;
  • Financiamento;
  • Contas a Prazo;
  • Histórico das Operações;
  • Pagamento de Salários/ PS2;


This service is subscribed to via the iKeve Corporate Subscription Agreement. It must be completed in full and signed by the legal representatives of the account, at any Banco Keve branch.

This Card is personalized and guarantees an additional level of security in operations, allowing Users with authorization powers to validate financial transactions by entering coordinates.

For more information, please contact one of our branches/company centers.