
Keve Muhatu Term Deposit

The Term Deposit dedicated exclusively to women. With Keve DP Muhatu, women have more options for managing their finances.
Interest Rate
11% a.a.
Minimum Amount
KZ 200 000

Keve Anniversary Term Deposit

Banco Keve is celebrating its 20th anniversary, but the gift is yours:

We're offering you a special Term Deposit that will allow you to make big savings.
Interest Rate
9% - 19%
Minimum Amount
KZ 1 000 000

Keve Term Deposits

A flexible Term Deposit (allows for increments and immediate mobilization), aimed at a broad target segment.
Interest Rate
3% - 11%
Minimum Amount
KZ 50 000

Keve Start Term Deposit

Diversify your assets easily with a complete offer.
Interest RATE
Minimum Amount
KZ 1 000 000